Saturday, January 25, 2020

Impact of Abusive Language in Hollywood Movies on Youth

Impact of Abusive Language in Hollywood Movies on Youth Research Question: Q. Does the abusive language in Hollywood movies change the speech/language behavior in the youth of Lahore? Rationale: The aim of this research is to examine the impact of abusive language used in Hollywood movies on youth of Lahore. This research is new to us because the trend of watching English movies among the youngsters has increased. And due to this they are effecting with the offensive language that is used in Hollywood movies. I selected the Hollywood movies because the issue pointed in this which seems to be quite little but leaving a very bad impact on our society specially the youth. Abusive language was never acceptable in any society but offensive language which was otherwise considered broadly acceptable was considered unacceptable by some when used too frequently. Dockterman (2014) notes that, â€Å"It’s not surprising thatâ€Å"the wolf of wall street† set a new recordsince the movie is all about excess: excessive hookers, excessive drug use and, of course, excessive swearing.† Whether children were likely to be watching or listening and, if so, what impact the language might have on them was is a key consideration. It is very interesting topic as it is attention seeking for the people. This research intends to find out that how much people are adopting such prohibited words and languages. I took this topic because I want to bring it to the frontline. I personally feel this topic interesting because I found lots of examples related to this in Pakistani society. People are considering it a part of high class and our youth is using such language to throw such impact that they belongs to high class society. And it becomes a part of being stylish and swag. Mail online (2014) notes that, â€Å"Television viewers are being deluged with foul language as swearwords and blasphemy become commonplace in Hollywood films. Media monitors counted the f-word 1,429 times in 60 movies shown on terrestrial TV in the first six months of this year. There were 827 uses of s*** as well as 221 exclamations of Jesus or Christ, which also offend many.† Hypothesis: H1: Abusive language in Hollywood movies changes the speech behavior in the youth of Lahore. Ho.: Abusive language in Hollywood movies does not change the speech behavior in the youth of Lahore. Literature Review: My research area includes the level of abusive behavior among the youth of Lahore. I picked some articles and existing work done on this topic which will help me to land at considered decisions about my research and to examine that what I have to find out of these existing literatures. First literature includes the notions of gendered language in action films which indicates that whether men use more swear words or women. Second literature includes that how Hollywood films promote the American culture among the audience. Third literature notes that the Hollywood movies are responsible for the behavioral changes that occur in the other cultures. Forth literature investigated that the offensive language on prime-time show and cable programs found that 9 out of 10 projects contained no less than one episode of profanity. These literatures are described in detail below. Marcus Midefelt (2013) notes that, â€Å"A few specialists said media depicts the truth and different says it reshapes the view of reality. This study examines this relationship by measuring the recurrence of three folk linguistic thoughts of gendered language in action movies. They chose ideas are Ladies talk more than men, Men swear more than ladies and Ladies utilize more label and pitch questions than men. The study demonstrates that male heroes produce the most astounding number of every examined variables. Then again, considering that the study additionally shows that male heroes talk more than their female partners; the higher creation of every examined variable may be a consequence of this. The technique used to accomplish this point is the quantitative system Content Analysis. The most unmistakable after effect of this study is that men create the most astounding number of each variable contemplated. In any case, the generation of contemplated variables in the middle of mal e and female heroes contrasts by generally the same rate for each variable. The generation of any mulled over variable by male heroes fluctuates between 62-66% of the aggregate events of the variable, including the quantity of lines articulated. This implies that the high number of studied variables expressed by male heroes is prone to be an aftereffect of male heroes articulating a greater number of lines than female heroes. (p.2) Wanwarang Maisuwong (2012) notes that, The Americans movies are seen in the America, as well as they are seen by the huge gathering of people the world over. Moreover, the American film firms overwhelm the majority of market share on the planet film industry. It appears that utilizing movies is the best mean for the America to pick up acknowledgment and kinship. Movies depict a smooth narrating and draw in the individuals to continue viewing from the earliest starting point until the end. In this paper, Researcher has chosen 30 Hollywood films from year 2001-2010, each of them won universal recompenses. He investigated the films on what are discriminating social qualities and political messages in every chose film that America tries to impart towards the world group of onlookers. He mostly centered around seven alternate points of view of society which appeared to be the most clear culture showed up in Hollywood motion pictures. In this study specialist has investigated the Hollywood film, Pearl Habor is a true to life talk motion picture where it contains both war and sentiment stories. Two young men grew up together, turned out to be great companions, and later experienced passionate feelings for the same lady. The film communicates the difficult of adoration for three individuals and the endure of American individuals amid the atrocity. He examined the accompanying focuses quickly Freedom of Expression, Nationalism, sexuality, Language, way of life and worth. At last he reasoned that Expected Cultural Effects of Hollywood Movies to the Audience is Language Effect, subsequent to presenting to the motion pictures, the individuals may swing to speak American intonation, they might likewise receive those American slangs and languages to their day by day life.† (P.2-4) Birkel, J., Lee, S. Oirya, J. (n.d) explains in his study, â€Å"That study was built on the theory of Americanization that postulates that American movies have a profound impact on certain aspects other cultures. It focused on examining the international opinions of people who watch Hollywood movies, as well as the extent to which and ways in which they felt these movies affected their culture and them as individuals. It relied on convenience sampling from international college students, studying in the United States. The main implications of this study, as it are explained in the results that Hollywood movies are responsible for the behavioral changes that occur in the other cultures. Hollywood’s ability to Influence sexual behavior creates an issue that affects the world by influencing the rise and fall of sexual behaviors. Along with sexual and violent media, some groups and individuals within the United States are concerned with the frequency in which profanity is used i n Hollywood movies. This issue can be examined from a broader point of view as well, assuming that if a culture’s language is affected by Americanization, then trends in America’s use of profanity will naturally be part of that. So the people in other cultures may be correct in assuming that America’s influence results in the decline of their culture.† (p2-4) Kaye, B. K. Sapolsky, B. S. (2009) notes that, â€Å"This examination of offensive language on prime-time show and cable programs found that 9 out of 10 projects contained no less than one episode of profanity, and viewers were presented to 12.58 cuss words every hour in 2005. Viewers of show projects were presented to somewhat under 10 questionable words every hour contrasted with 15 words-every hour on link programs.† (P.1-3) Offensive language occasionally has been slipped into programs subsequent to the beginning of TV, however beginning in about the late 1980s, coarse language. The primary focus of this research is to extend earlier published work by Kaye and Sapolsky (2001, 2004) by examining whether cable-delivered programs contain more instances of profanity than broadcast shows. Overall, 9 out of 10 programs on both broadcast and cable television contained at least one indecent word or 330 phrase. Risquà © language was spoken nearly once every 5 minutes. Just over one- half of objectionable words were of the mild type (i.e., damn, hell). These findings are similar to previous studies that show the proportion of profanity represented by mild-other words has steadily decreased; 80.7% in 1990, 75.0% in 1994, 68.6% in 1997, 60.6% in 2001 (Kaye Sapolsky, 2004) indicating a gradual coarsening of 335 language spoken in prime-time. Overall, this study contributes to the issue of verbal indecency on television, especially in its comparison of broadcast to cable programs. While offended viewers and lawmakers are insisting that the FCC more strongly penalize broadcast stations for airing programs that contain verbal indecency, they, along with broadcasters, are 415 also wagging their fingers at cable programs, which they claim are even more vulgar. My research area would bring a new research in such a way that I mainly focused on language as it is a part of our culture and what is the impact of offensive language on the youth of Lahore. I am going to add to the existing literature in this way that my research is directed towards on a very essential part of our culture which is language and its impact on the youth of Lahore specifically. This research would help you to find out that what are the factors attracting students towards use of abusive language and to understand how viewers and listeners decide what is considered generally acceptable/unacceptable in terms of possibly abusive language. Research Methodology: The researcher has laid a research design to study the impact of abusive language on youth of Lahore, to find out the answers to the research questions and to investigate the formulated hypothesis. Research Design: Research design refers to the different methods through which the data is collected. For the study at hand the researcher has employed descriptive research that includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different sorts. The researcher applied one method to carry out the research. I will conduct surveys in order to find out some results regarding my research. Tools of Data Collection: The researcher used one method to collect the information and analyze the Impact of abusive language on youth of Lahore. I will use the method of questionnaires to conduct my research and asks people to fill these questions which include young people. Survey In the current study the researcher used the quantitative method i.e. survey for data collection. Questionnaires were used as the tool of survey. Quantitative method: I will use quantitative method which includes questionnaires in order to conduct my research. I will use Questionnaire method because it is an easy method to collect data from a large and massive audience. I can easily collect my data by asking young people to fill out the questionnaire paper. Population The population of the survey was selected by keeping the target audience in mind. And the target audience was youth in the universities of Lahore. Young people from universities are selected because they watch more Hollywood movies. Movies are more popular among the youth. Educated people especially young educated people are more likely watch Hollywood movies in their leisure time or for entertainment. . The university students are mature and make their own decisions so the effect measured on them will be realistically accurate. So the researcher chooses university students to determine the impact of abusive language used in Hollywood movies. Sampling The Purposive sampling is a form of probability sampling which the researcher used to collect the data from different universities. Variables Dependent: Lahore Youth’s exposure to Hollywood films. Independent: Level of abusive language. Ethics: My research will also include the ethics that I will ask permission from my population before taking information from them. My questionnaire has a section of ethics that will u allow me to take your few seconds in order to fill this questionnaire. As this research needs some personal information and language is also a part of personal thing that what is there language and what kind of swear words they use. So ethics are an important part of my research because it is matter of people’s personal behavior i.e. speech behavior. Bibliography: Birkel, J., Lee, S. Oirya, J. (n.d.). Hollywood Americanized Sex, Violence, Language and Body Images: A Study of Cultural Perceptions Regarding the Influence of American Movies on International Students. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from Dockterman, E. (2014). The Wolf of Wall Streert Breaks F Bomb. Retrieved on April 6 , 2014, from Kaye, B. K. Sapolsky, B. S. (2009). Taboo or Not Taboo? That is the Question: Offensive Language on Prime-Time Broadcast and Cable Programming. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 53(1)P1-3. Retrieved on April 23, 2014 from Midefelt, M. (2013). Sailors and Tentative Talk-a-lots: A Study of Folk Linguistic Notions of Gendered Language in Action Films. Unpublished P.H.D Thesis, University of Gothenburg. Retrieved on April 8, 2014 from Mail Online (2014), Too much bad Language on TV. Maisuwong, W. (2012). The Promotion of American Culture through Hollywood Movies to the World Audience: A Threat to National Identity and Sovereignty. International Journal of Engineering Research Technology, 1(4)P2-4. Retrieved on April 12, 2014 from

Friday, January 17, 2020

New Global Strategies for Competitive Advantage

1. High intensity domestic competition breeds international success. 2. In the diamond-shaped chart, there are key elements of it success is to be sustained: Company strategy (structure and rivalry), factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries. 3. The home base shapes a company’s capacity to innovate rapidly in technology and methods and to do so in the proper directions. 4. A global strategy supplements and solidifies the competitive advantage created at home base. 5. The most important sources of national advantage must be actively sought and exploited. 6. Caught up in a never-ending process of seeking out new advantages and struggling with rivals to protect them. 7. Stability is valued in most companies, not change. Protecting old ideas and techniques becomes the preoccupation, not creating new ones. The long-term challenge for any firm is to put itself in a position where it is most likely to perceive, and best able to address the imperatives of competitive advantage. Expose a company to new market and technological opportunities that may be hard to perceive.Preparing for change by upgrading and expanding the skills of employees and improving the firm’s scientific and knowledge base. Overcoming complacency and inertia to act on the new opportunities and circumstances. Much attention has rightly been places on the importance of visionary leaders in achieving unusual organizational success. Great leaders are influenced by the environment in which they work. Innovation takes place because the home environment stimulates it. Innovation succeeds because the home environment supports and even forces it.The right environment not only shapes a leader’s own perceptions and priorities but provides the catalyst that allows the leader to overcome inertia and produce organizational change. Great leaders emerge in different industries in different nations, in part because national circumstances attract and encourage them In many industries, the national environment provides one or two nations with a distinct advantage over their foreign competitors. Leadership often determines which particular firm or firms exploit this advantage.The ability of any firm to innovate has much to do with the environment to which it is exposed. Seeking safe havens and comfortable customer relationship only reinforces past behavior. Innovation grows out of pressure and challenge. It also comes from finding the right challenges to meet. The main role of the firm’s leader is to create the environment that meets these conditions.8. The new rules for innovation, a company should actively seek out pressure and challenge not try to avoid t hem. Part of the task is to take advantage of the home nation in order to create the impetus for innovation.Some of the ways of doing so are: seel to the most sophisticated and demanding buyers and channels seek out the buyers with the most difficult needs, establish norms of exceeding the toughest regulatory hurdles of product standards, treat employees as permanent, and establish outstanding competitors as motivators.9. The true costs of stability. Such a search for a quiet life, and understandable instinct, has led many companies to buy direct competitors or from alliances with them, in a closed, static world, monopoly would indeed be the most comfortable and profitable solution.In reality competition is dynamic. Good managers always run a little scared, they respect and study competitors. Seeking out and meeting challenges is part of their organizational norm. A firm need not exclusively serve demanding buyers nor should it compete head on with any rival. The aim in seeking pres sure and challenge is to create the conditions in which competitive advantage can be preserved. In global competition, the pressures of demanding local buyers, capable suppliers, and aggressive domestic rivalry are even more valuable and necessary for long-term profitability.These drive the firm to a faster rate of progress and upgrading than international rivals, and lead to sustained competitive advantage and superior long-term profitability. A tough domestic industry structure creates advantage in the international industry. A comfortable, easy home base, in contrast, leaves a firm vulnerable to rivals who enjoy greater dynamism at home. If a firm lacks the pressures for improvement and innovation, it must create them10. Perceiving industry change. One of the most important advantages an industry can have is early insight into important needs, environmental forces and trends that others have not noticed.Firms gain competitive position before rivals perceive an opportunity and are able to respond. Identify and serve buyers with the most anticipatory needs. Some buyers will confront new problems or have new needs before others, because of their demographics, location, industry, or strategy. Buyer with anticipatory needs should be identified, designated as priorities and cultivated. Discover and highlight trends in factor costs. Increases in the costs of particular factor or other inputs may signal future opportunities to leapfrog competitors by innovating to deploy inputs more effectively or to avoid the need for them altogether.Maintain ongoing relationship with centers of research and sources of the most talented people. Identify the places in the nation where the best new knowledge is being created that is now or might become relevant to its industry. Identify school, companies, institutions where the best specialized human resources needed in the industry are being trained. Invest time and money. Study all competitors, especially the new and unconventiona l ones. A firm should designate the most forward-looking or unconventional competitors for particular study, including foreign competitors who may enjoy the benefits of a very different home base.Learn from competitors as to develop strategies to counter them. Bring some outsiders into the management team. Managers from other companies or industries or from the company’s foreign subsidiaries. Benefit the innovation process.11. International within the national cluster. Firm gains competitive advantage from the presence in its home nation of world-class buyers, suppliers and related industries. Have a strong cluster at home unblocks the flows of information and allows deeper and more open contract than in possible when dealing with foreign firms. Buyers, channels and suppliers.Recognizing that home-based buyers and suppliers are allies in international competition, a firm must persuade: regular senior management contact, formal and ongoing interchange between research organiza tions, reciprocity in serving as test sites for new products or services and cooperation in penetrating and serving international markets. Related industries. Industries those are related or potentially related in terms of technology, channels, buyers, or the way buyers obtain or use products, are potentially important to creating and staining competitive advantage.Locating within the nation. A firm should locate activities and its headquarters at those locations in the nation where there are concentrations of sophisticated buyers, important suppliers, groups of competitors, or especially significant factor-creating mechanisms for its industry. Geographic proximity makes the relationship within a cluster closer and more fluid.12. Serving home base buyers who are international and multinational. Identify and serve buyers at home that it can also serve abroad.13. Improving the national competitive environment.14. Diversification.Part of company strategy in virtually every nation. Acqu isitions were involved in international success stories, the acquisitions were often modest or focused ones that served as an initial entry point or reinforced an internal entry. Theory for diversification strategy are as follow:New industries for diversification should be selected where a favorable national â€Å"diamond† is present or can be created. Diversification proposals should be screened for the attractiveness of the home base.Diversification is most likely to succeed when it follows or extends clusters in which the firm already competes.Internal development of new businesses, supplemented by small acquisitions, is more likely to create and sustain competitive advantage than the acquisition of large, established companies.Diversification into businesses, lacking common buyers, channels, suppliers or close technological connections is not only likely to fail but will also undermine the prospects for sustaining advantage in the core businesses.15. To sustain competitiv e advantage in global industries, a firm must sell to all significant country markets. Identifying such buyers in other nations will help a firm understand the most stimulate rapid progress in products and services.16. A firm must be willing to source products or equipment from foreign firms if they are superior. Also work to upgrade local suppliers. Loyalty to domestic suppliers, for its own sake, is ultimately self-defeating. The best form for this is to confront them in no uncertain terms with the need to match their foreign competitors in quality and productivity in order to retain the business.A firm aspiring to competitive advantage must be aware of, and ideally have some access to, all the important scientific work going on in the world that is related to its industry.17. A firm must be the best rivals in the marketplace in order to sustain and upgrade its advantage. Must find a way to gain advantage over the best rivals in order to assure its market position. Meet rivals in all the important markets is to deny them profits in safe markets that can be used to cross-subsidize low profits in contested markets.18. Choose a location that will expose the firm to significant needs and pressures lacking at home. The purpose is to learn as well as raise the odds that information passes credibly back to the home base.19. Foreign acquisitions can serve for: gain access to a foreign market or to selective skills and to gain a highly favorable national diamond.20. Alliances or coalitions are final mechanism by which firm can seek to tap national advantages in other nations. Alliances take form as joint ventures, licenses, sales agreements and supply agreements. Alliances are a tempting solution to the dilemma of a firm seeking the home-base advantages of another nation without giving up its own (are rarely a solution).21. Real leaders believe in change. Energize their organizations to meet competitive challenges. Find ways of overcoming the filters that limit infor mation and prevent innovation. Have a broad view of competition in which their national environment is integral to competitive success. Work hard to improve that environment and to encourage appropriate government policies.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Analysis Of William Allen s The Dodge Brothers

According to Henry Ford, the Founder of the Ford Motor Company, â€Å"the purpose of the corporation is to produce good products cheaply and to provide increasing employment at good wages and to only incidentally make money.† (Allen 38) In contrast, the Dodge brothers, (the Founders of the Dodge division of Fiat) who owned roughly ten percent of the equity in Ford’s company, argued that the shareholders owned the enterprise and were entitled to force the directors, in this case Ford, to distribute some of the firm’s accumulated profit. The Justices of the Supreme Court ultimately ruled that Ford must pay the Dodge brothers dividends and not use the excess cash to lower the cost of his vehicles for sale. Although this case was settled nearly one†¦show more content†¦(Allen 37-42) The decision in Dodge v Ford Motor Company 170 NW 668 (Michigan 1919) supports this theory since Ford was required to distribute some of the company’s earnings to its shar eholders. Proponents of this theory would argue that corporations do not have a responsibility to anybody other than their shareholders, i.e., the firm should focus solely on their income and increasing shareholder’s wealth. Interestingly, there are not many organizations in modern society that do not give to charitable/political organization or support the environment, but that does not mean that this model is obsolete and/or not prevalent. For example, many believe that the Foxconn Technology Group, the manufactures of many Apple products, focuses primarily on wealth maximization and not social welfare. The firm is focused on efficiency and has many assembly lines to manufacture their products. The firm is notorious for working employees very long hours. Many employees have committed suicide and the company often suffers from employee riots. Apple often has to come to the defense of their manufacturer of these social issues. The company said â€Å"Apple is committed to the highest standards of social responsibility across our worldwide supply chain†¦We insist that all of our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever our products are

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Sex Differences And Aggression What Are The...

Sex Differences in Aggression The article I chose to review is â€Å"Sex differences in aggression: What are the psychological mediators?† written by Professor Anne Campbell of Durham University. To begin, she discusses research that supports the theory that men are more directly aggressive than women, but gets more specific by investigating the psychological mediators that may underlie this sex difference in aggression. She begins by discussing the effects of provocation and emotional arousal on aggression. A study conducted by Knight, Guthrie, Page and Fabes (2002) proposed that at low and intermediate levels of arousal, men’s emotions were not as greatly affected, but at intermediate and high levels of arousal they were much more affected. With that being said, these sex differences could be due to women’s lower level of impulsion or their superior aptitude for suppressing anger through aggression. Campbell states that the strength of fear and impulse are like ly to be the emotions on which aggression depends. The question is, do men and women differ in the strength of their anger (impulse) or in fear-related inhibition (restraint) (Campbell, 2006). She reviewed different factors that enhance and reduce the likelihood of aggression in an attempt to explain their value to sex differences in aggression. Factors that enhance aggression were anger and anger expression. The frequency and intensity of anger were not factors that directly led to sex differences, however, what littleShow MoreRelatedDivorce Issues Essay examples1567 Words   |  7 Pagesselfish, avoidable decisions his or her parents make during his developing ages. One can only speculate from the information gathered above that a child that is well into the developing stages of his/her childhood can have a severe psychological trauma in direct relation to his/her parents getting a divorce. 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